Privacy Policy

This is the Privacy Policy "Policy" of  5C Network (India) Private Limited , a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013, and having its registered office at No.313, Mico Employees Gruha Nirmana Sangha, BTM 2nd Stage, Rashtrakavi Kuvempu Nagara, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560076 (hereinafter referred to as “Company”, which expression includes the Company’s successors-in-interest and assignees).

The Company provides teleradiology and tele-diagnostics services and solutions(“Services”). As an individual(“Patient”), if you undergo a radiology test like an x-ray, MRI or CT at one of the Company’s radiology/diagnostic partners(“Diagnostic Partner”), either directly or through certain third-party diagnostic aggregators of the Company(“Aggregators”), or give any blood sample or other lab sample or any radiology imaging or scans(“Diagnostic Material”), the Company receives your Diagnostic Material from that Diagnostic Partner and makes them available to a qualified radiologist or other diagnostician(“Diagnostician”). The Diagnostician prepares a “Report” based on the Diagnostic Material and the Company then sends back the Report to the Diagnostic Partner.

The Company receives Personal Information (as defined below) from you as a person submitting yourself to a diagnostic procedure. The Company may also collect Personal Information from you if you are a representative of a Diagnostic Partner or a Diagnostician who visits the Company’s website for the purpose of availing a demo of the Company’s Services.

This Policy gives details of the Personal Information about you that the Company receives and the purpose for which and the manner in which the Company uses the Personal Information.

Your Personal Information

The Company may receive your “Personal Information” such as: name, sex, age, date of birth, email address, phone numbers (if required), location, IP address, preferences, medical documents, medical history and health status.

By accepting this Policy, you authorize the Company to collect, receive, store and process your Personal Information for enabling the Company to provide the Services or a demo and other information related to the Services.

How We Receive Your Personal Information

We receive your Personal Information through the Diagnostic Partner, for which you have consented to the further sharing of such Personal Information by the Diagnostic Partner with us in relation to the Services.

We may also receive your Personal Information through the Aggregators, for which you have consented to the further sharing of such Personal Information by the Aggregators with us in relation to the Services.

The Personal Information we receive is usually in the form of metadata tagged with the Diagnostic Material. We may also receive your Personal Information as part of a case-sheet or other document or information made available to us along with the Diagnostic Material.

We may collect your Personal Information on our website and applications if you are a representative of a Diagnostic Partner or if you are a Diagnostician.

How We Use The Information We Collect

The Company receives and uses your Personal Information for the following purposes:

To connect you with the nearest Diagnostic Partner,

For providing the Services indirectly to you through Aggregators, the Diagnostic Partners and/or Diagnosticians,

For identifying patients and facilitating consultation and follow-up consultations with a physician,

To improve diagnostic accuracy by clinically correlating diagnostic results and patient symptomatic information,

To improve patient experience,

For providing a demo to you if you are a prospective Diagnostic Partner or a Diagnostician,

To train certain tools and machine learning algorithms (either in-house or third-party developed), to enhance, develop, and improve its Services.

The Company may also share your Personal Information with its successors-in-interest, assignees and any other entities consequent upon a corporate restructuring of the Company including by way of merger, amalgamation, acquisition, sale of assets and so on. At all times, the Company shall use your Personal Information for lawful purposes only.

Consent To Share Your Personal Information

In order to provide Services, you authorize and provide consent to the Company to share and transfer your Personal Information with Diagnosticians, Diagnostic Partners, Aggregators and third-party sub-processors of the Company for the purposes set forth above in paragraph 3, to enable the Company to provide Services

We may share your Personal Information with certain government agencies mandated by the applicable law to obtain personal information, for the purposes of verification of identity, or for prevention, detection, investigation including cyber incidents, prosecution, and punishment of offences

Term Of Storage Of Personal Information

The Company shall store your Personal Information for as long as it deems sufficient for purposes of providing Services and to fulfil legal and regulatory mandates applicable to the Company.

As long as your Personal Information is deemed useful as evidence, the Company shall retain a copy of the same

A copy of your Personal Information may always exist as a backup or archival media to enable the Company to comply with legal and regulatory requirements

Your Personal Information is stored on the Company’s servers in India


To ensure the security and integrity of your Personal Information, the Company complies with the technical and organizational measures, specifically applicable to the Company, under the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Standards - 2016 and as applicable from time to time. We've established a dedicated department within 5C that is responsible for promptly addressing all security and cyber-related matters. Users have the convenience of directly engaging with the 5C-CyberSecurity Department by expressing their concerns through the email address

Your Rights

You have the right to not consent to us receiving your Personal Information. In such cases, you agree and acknowledge that the Company will not be obligated to provide Services

You have the right to withdraw consent from enabling the Company to process your Personal Information. Upon request, we will remove your Personal Information from the Company’s database. However, such withdrawal of consent and removal of your Personal Information from the Company’s database may make you ineligible to avail the Services

Upon written request, you may review, access and/or request that any erroneous Personal Information about you be corrected or amended


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Policy or any other terms of service or use applicable as between Company and you, Company’s aggregate liability hereunder towards direct damages shall be limited to Rs.1000 only or such other maximum permissible amount under applicable law. Company’s liability shall not extend to any indirect or remote damages whatsoever, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages or loss of profits.

Contact Us

Please contact our Privacy Officer at for accessing or updating your Personal Information or withdrawing consent; or in case of any discrepancy or grievances with this Policy or with respect to your Personal Information

The Privacy Grievance Officer shall address your concerns as soon as possible and no later than 1 (one) month from the date of receipt of your grievance

Where We Store Your Personal Information

The Personal Information we receive and process is stored in India


The Company shall always cooperate with regulatory authorities and investigating agencies in India in the matter of treatment of your Personal Information.


In the event that any part of this Policy shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful or otherwise unenforceable, the remainder of this Policy shall remain in full force and effect to the maximum extent possible, and an attempt shall be made to substitute the unenforceable provision with an enforceable provision of similar intent


The Company may, at any time, assign this Policy and/or its rights and under this Policy to any entity, in its sole discretion


The Company may modify this Policy in its sole discretion at any time. While the Company shall make best efforts to notify you of any such modification, it shall be your responsibility to read and understand the Policy as prevalent from time to time.

Refund Policy

Please be aware that because our services are customized to each client and based on specific agreements, refund policies may vary according to the terms of the contract.